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A Tribute to Coronavirus Warriors - Know What They are Doing and How to Thank Them

A Tribute to Coronavirus Warriors - Know What They are Doing and How to Thank Them

The recent pandemic attack by the coronavirus has severely affected millions of lives across the global platform. Every individual is fighting this deadly battle with COVID-19 in all possible ways. The virus is getting stronger with time. As a result, the disease is spreading all across the countries.

About Coronavirus

COVID-19 refers to the pandemic infectious disease caused by a unique strain of coronavirus. Although the virus isn’t new to the medical experts, the strain causing the disease COVID-19 is an entirely new one. That is why the medical experts are trying their best to come up with proper adequate medications and vaccines for this disease.

But the real-life scenario isn’t quite easy or under control. That is because the virus can transfer through large gatherings, cough or sneeze and human contact. It is challenging to know the immediate presence of the virus in the body. 

The virus takes considerable time to infect the immune system of the human body. That is why it is quite challenging to understand whether the person standing next to us carries the virus or not. The virus is capable enough to spread through large gatherings and human contact. 

Hence, the doctors and other experts have come up with a unique solution for this moment. They are asking every individual to maintain proper hygiene, use sanitizers regularly, maintain social distancing and remaining under the lockdown period.

The doctors have introduced the entire concept of the quarantine period. They believe that proper seclusion of the infected patients can control the spread of the disease across the mass population.

But staying under the lockdown period isn’t possible for some of the people around us. We like to refer to these professionals as the COVID-19 warriors. These people are always risking their lives to serve us better.

Who Are Coronavirus Warriors?

Image Credit By : Navniet Sekera


The first thing that we need to acknowledge would be the fact that there is a specific group of people who are consistently serving us for our benefits. These people cannot stay under the lockdown period with their friends and family members. They do not have the liberty to practice quarantine for themselves. They cannot lower the risk of infections due to this virus as they continuously serve human welfare. So, who are these warriors?

Every person that makes sure that we still food on our table while we maintain the lockdown period are the warriors. Every doctor, nurses and other specialists who are always risking their lives to serve the patients diagnosed with COVID-19 are the warriors.  

Every other police officer and the security professionals are always working to keep our country safe. Every other delivery executive that keeps knocking on our doors every day with grocery and other food items. Every other pharmacist and ambulance drivers that are always trying their best to help the COVID-19 patients and their families. People working in the fire department, in the armed forces and many more are still working and at a higher risk of losing their lives for us. 

Many professionals are still working on the frontline to make sure that we all are safe in our houses during this pandemic situation. Warrior is the apt name for all these professionals as they remain in front to make sure the entire world is safe. They stand out as the warriors who can fight against the deadly virus. 

Therefore, it is time that we thank these people around us. Let them know how precious they are for our society, for humankind, for the planet. It is time that we identify these individuals and try helping them out as and when possible. It is essential to make things easier for them so that they can serve us better. 

Problems Faced by COVID-19 Warriors

We, humans, are God’s greatest creation. But, in today’s situation, these warriors are the gift from the Almighty to the human race. We strongly believe that without the services and aid of these professionals, we would not survive long due to COVID-19. The entire scenario of the world is still manageable because of the selfless services of these warriors around us. 

But are they happy? Are these warriors still healthy? Don’t they face any challenges with the current situation? The answers aren’t too complicated. These professionals are tired, over-exhausted, lonely and more susceptible to this disease than any of us. Some of the challenges faced by these professionals are:

  • Shortage of Essentials

The number of active COVID-19 cases are continually increasing. Hence, there is a constant shortage of medical supplies as well as other essentials. The doctors and nurses are continually struggling to provide the services without any compromises. 

But the current situation isn’t allowing any professional to serve the patients with adequate medical facilities. No countries in the world would have ever thought about such a pandemic attack. Maybe that is why there is a shortage in the supply of essentials like sanitizers, medicines, hospital beds, masks, etc. 

The specialists are also complaining about the shortage of gowns, respirators and many such essential healthcare instruments. The real challenge comes when the hospital does not have the resources to supply these essentials to the healthcare experts. Due to the current situation, the experts ended to adapt themselves accordingly to serve the patients. 

But who is going to protect these individuals from the coronavirus attack? That is a question we tend to skip more often. There have been several cases across the globe where the doctors have died serving the patients in the hospitals. 

They are more at risk of contracting the virus from these conditions. Due to the shortage of proper treatments, they are losing their final battles with COVID-19 while serving the country. We might not be able to help these warriors with anything, but a motivating message and a thank you can acknowledge the services.  

  • Stressful Working Hours

Due to the shortage of essentials and several doctors around, these healthcare professionals are working without any break. They never leave the hospital premises and hardly get the chance to rest or see their families. There is a constant build-up of stress and anxiety in these professionals, which, even they aren’t much sure about. 

Imagine how stressful it can be for hospital specialists not to be able to see their family during a pandemic? There is a reason why we all are referring to these professionals as warriors. Not only do they serve our country and the patients, but they also sacrifice many feelings and things as they move forward with their responsibility. 

Losing patients on the hospital beds, unable to consume proper foods, not able to see their families are some of the constant hurdles faced by these warriors. Also, such conditions increase the risk of infection among doctors and other healthcare professionals. That is why the government is trying to provide them with few changes in schedules to rotate these services within different shifts. 

  • Violence

Many people do not understand the concept of COVID-19 yet. That is one of the reasons why they all are blaming healthcare professionals for such conditions. People are failing to understand the responsibility of these professionals and the sacrifices that they are making every day. They do not understand the concept of social distancing and blame the doctors for being held in such lockdown situations.

As a result of such misconceptions, some people are showing severe violence towards these healthcare experts. Not only that but are active reports about beating and abusing these professionals in many locations across the world. Not only does it hamper the work of these professionals, but it also helps in the spread of the disease across the global market.

  • Infection

The healthcare professionals and other delivery executives are at higher risk of infection by coronavirus than us. That is one of the most severe challenges faced by all these warriors serving us from time to time. These professionals are continually resuming their services to deliver groceries and other essentials to every household. Hence, they are more susceptible to the disease than the rest of the population.

Also, according to global news, many countries are losing these potential warriors to the COVID-19. They are diagnosed with severe infections, and many have passed in the line of duty while serving the COVID-19 patients. 

  • Impact on the Mental Health

The current situation is tough, and it is going to get more stressful if we all do not try to combat the harmful effects of coronavirus. Many people, like healthcare and security professionals, do not get the chance to visit their families during this situation. Even many still prefer to work during the holy Ramzan period, when they need to fast the entire day without food or water.

People are struggling to get all the necessary help to serve these patients in hospitals and cure them as much as possible. In many situations, they are confined to the small locker rooms of the hospitals as they aren’t able to provide much space to the patients either. 

Such stressful working hours and isolation from families are taking a severe toll on the mental condition of these professionals. Many people are suffering from acute depression and anxiety-related issues, as well. In such situations, too, these professionals are only focusing on serving the country by fighting against the coronavirus.

The least we can do for these professionals are making the situations more complicated for them. The professionals are continually requesting the public to stay indoors for their safety. But still, people are roaming around the streets, which is making the situation worse. 

It is positively helping in spreading the disease across the country, thereby increasing the active cases every day. It is time for all of us to identify these hurdles and the current situation. We need to understand how stressful and harsh conditions are prevailing around us. Why not thank these warriors and try to help them in their pledge against the deadly coronavirus? 

  • Shortage of Food and Water

Another higher risk faced by the warriors working in the frontline is the shortage of proper food and water. They are sustaining their lives on whatever edible food products are available in their vicinity. But as they closely work with the patients and for long durations, they are losing their immune power.  Also, due to such extensive work pressure, these professionals are falling prey to many infections and diseases as well. 

But the availability of the online food delivery services and coupons like Swiggy Coupons quite beneficial during this pandemic. People can order food from these resources, which sometimes can also create greater problems on the roads. But the most significant advantage of these services is that many professionals serving this country get access to quick healthy food options.


  • Waste Management

Another problem that many countries are currently facing is the secured disposal of the wastes from the hospitals. Tons of masks and other sanitary items are being thrown away every hour as the COVID-19 cases continue to grow. The accumulation of these waste products has potential risks to the other people working in these setups. The doctors and the other professionals are continually trying their best to dispose of these items in the environment securely.

Along with these professionals, we can never forget the ones protecting our countries on the border and the armed forces. The policemen are working round the clock to keep a check on the public and the lockdown period. They continuously roam around in this scorching heat to prevent people from going out and thereby maintain proper social distancing. 

These professionals are being harassed as well and badly spoken to even when they try to help people stay safe during this time. Why not take a moment to appreciate the works done by these professionals? 

Why not we cheer them and boost their confidence, along with acknowledging their services? It is time to understand that without the input from these professionals, we can never survive in this lockdown phase. Cheer these warriors, motivate them and let us join hands to come out of this pandemic situation together!


Posted On 08-May-2020 By Vaishali