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How should a housewife save money smartly in the house budget?

How should a housewife save money smartly in the house budget?

Most of the women do complain that they don’t have money for spending on her and for buying something for kids as well as for saving. They start thinking about other women how they can afford everything. This article is majorly for those housewives who cannot save money from the house budget and wants some tips on this. Women are not the only housewife but also house managers, they must know how to save money and keep that for emergencies. She needs to analyze the things as well as manage the entire work in house from homework to financial work. Here we are going to let you know some tips about how a housewife should save money in house budget-

1. Saving from Grocery

The grocery is the way to save but for saving money you need to be smart. If you don’t know how to save from grocery then you can lose everything instead of saving. First of all if you are purchasing grocery items make sure you can bargain simply. On the other hand, every mall and grocery stores offer Grocery sale, so if you are aware of the upcoming sale must go for it. Apart from this, while you are purchasing grocery items, have a look at the expiry date. 


If you want to buy then don’t do it quickly, visit some stores and sites evaluate the rate, who is selling at a reasonable price, you can buy from there. Like Amazon and Flipkart offer a great deal for grocery offers and kitchen items, you must visit these platforms. Amazon and Flipkart also provide grocery coupons to every user at the time of occasions like Diwali and New Year. That’s how you can save money easily by comparing price on multiple stores and sites as well as you will buy the best product at cheap rates. On the other hand, you will save from your house budget smartly. 

2. Create your house budget detail 


When you create a budget it will help you a lot to estimate the finance expensive; how much you are spending weekly and monthly. Surely, once you apply this technique you will know how much you have in your hand before and after spending on household expenses and it stops overspending. Whether it is your car insurance, electricity bill, water bill, and many more you have to create a chart only daily not every month. We can understand, as a housewife you have to spend on kids, clothing, and essential purchase but if you are smartly managing this, no one can stop you from saving money. 

3. Saving while you are shopping

Women love shopping, even though she knows very well that she has to save money but in the addiction, to shopping, they forget to save money and spend her all house budget on shopping for herself and her family. Always try to shop when there is a discount. Each store as well as online shopping platforms gives customers a discount it may be a sale or you can apply any promo code. You can shop from Flipkart grocery. There is nothing like that sale will provide you cheap groceries and amazing discounted daily essentials products. you can buy when there is a sale and simply save the money. 

4. Stop buying kitchen stuff and food items from the market

When you can cook Paneer, Dahi, Ghee, and Sweets at home then why you go to the market for buying these kinds of stuff. A middle-class woman thinks to manage everything at home, so stop wasting money on market products because those are not pure and real. Yes, you waste your money on fake things, while you can cook this paneer, ghee, and dahi at home that is 100% pure. 


There are various festivals in a year, maybe you order readymade sweets but it’s not only about money but also organic and purity. On the occasion of Diwali and Holi, you can cook the sweets at home; it seems delicious and even more accurate. That’s how you can save money on multiple occasions too. There are various ways to save money but you should use your mind for following the ideas. 

5. Reuse of lunch and dinner


First of all, as a house manager, you must know how much amount of food is enough. So cook only how much you need to eat or your family can eat. If sometimes, lunch and dinner are more than needed than you can fridge it, yes, the fridge is the appliance that keeps your stuff healthy for more than 24 hours. You can reuse it in breakfast or dinner again it will not be dull. Subsequently, it will save your money on buying vegetables for next time. 

6. Saving on electricity

Most of the time, it is noted that women switch on the entire switch for lights and fans. In actuality, it is needed to switch on these buttons only when you require, otherwise, you can off the switch because it will only exceed your bill. Keep your switch off after working and if you don’t need it otherwise you have to pay extra charges or more bill payment. So keep your lights on when you are working and after that switch off; certainly, it will save you more money. 

7. Payment via card or cash

Nowadays, digital marketing has increased and it took place of cash and it comes with lots of offers. If you pay to by card through Paytm and Google Pay, Phone Pay, and many more; these resources will give you cashback that is the big thing people use it to make more money by getting cash back. But this way financially impacts your pocket so choose wisely, paying digitally is more beneficial. 

8. Shop only any occasion


Women love shopping that’s why they do it without any reason. But it is recommended that, if you are a homemaker or house manager, try to shop when you need new clothes and if there is any occasion, party, and wedding. We understand that fashion changes every day but if you go with fashion, it will destroy you like seriously. For a middle-class family, their saving is the main object so that they can use that saving in an emergency or critical situation. 

8. Test the veggies at home


Women are god gift, they have super smarty mind. Today we are going to tell you the superb thing and we know you will love it much. Generally, you buy veggies from the market but you know how to grow these at home. Take few seeds from veggies and soak them in the sun; on the other hand buy one plastic mug or soil made pot with soil. Spread the seeds in the mug and cover its upper layer of soil, and keep this at the roof. After a few weeks you will see the plant that is giving you fresh veggies. So pretty women, how was this idea? You will too much by doing this process. 

9. Save on regular basis

Don’t you have a habit of save money daily? Then you are doing wrong at all. As a housewife, the most important thing is to save cash daily. Your house budget will tell you how much you should save. Calculate your monthly expenses and part into 2 such as house budget and savings, keep your 70% for a house budget, and 20% for savings. This way works very well. 

10. Keep learning the smart ways to save money


If you know how to save money from the house budget, it is extremely amazing but if you don’t know then there are lots of websites and blogs who provide ideas regarding it. We can understand it is a little tough to save after spending on house expenses but you can try these ideas; we know it will help you. 

11. Start stitch for others 

Do you stitch your kid’s clothes and husband’s clothes? If yes, nothing can be better than this because today women go to stitch center for it. Apart from stitching for your family, you can apply for a stitch to others. Stitching doesn’t ask for investment, if you have this talent then you must go for it. You can buy money just giving your time for stitch. According to me, this is one of the best ways to save money.

So guys, in this article we knew about the tips on how we can save money from the house budget. Apart from these, you need to cover more stuff at one time when you go to the market it will save the transport cost. If you go the market again and again, surely you have to spend more on transportation. Also, there are more shopping and grocery stores are available online that offer family size veggies and fruits box, you can choose according to your family and buy that. Moreover, these stores provide and deliver service with discounts for customers; you can download apps for taking benefits of the discounts. You can guide every family member to switch off the light when no need. And most remember things; don’t waste your money on the product which is not needed. Stop spending money, control your expenses don’t buy immediately after watching products. There are lots of tips but you need to find the right one which suits you. 


Posted On 26-May-2020 By Vaishali