Have you recently come in contact with someone who is or is suspected to be infected by Coronavirus? Then you need to be immediately self-quarantine. This will save you, your family, and the community. Even if you are not one who has the possibility of Corona infection, you must practice self-isolation as a responsible citizen. This write-up will give you a complete idea of how you should practice self-quarantine and self-isolation.
Let us see who should get into self-quarantine other than directly coming in contact with a COVID 19 patient knowingly.
In all the above cases, you must put yourself to self-quarantine. This writes up will give you a complete guide of how to stay in self-quarantine and to what extent.
Ways to Self-Quarantine
One has to practice a routine of self- quarantine for fourteen days. The necessary steps to follow the quarantine methods are as follows:
Those that have not got the symptoms of the disease yet or have not knowingly or unknowingly come in contact with the affected people should maintain social distancing. We tell here the process of social distancing and the dos and don’ts to be followed during the social distancing.
People may not show the symptoms of the disease, but you are not to assume that they are not infectious. This is because the symptoms of the attack come on the surface almost after 10 days of the attack. So a carrier of the disease can further infect you before the disease gets detected in him or her. There are sometimes people who never show the symptoms but are affected by the disease in a major way.
When a person speaks, the droplets that come out of the nose or mouth can travel up to a limit of six feet from the person. So maintaining a seven feet distance from any person while talking or communicating is the safe distance. As far as possible, avoid places where people crowd like the escalator. Avoid touching people or going in the proximity of seven feet as far as possible.
Most of the public places are shut down now. Even if those are open, avoid going to places like restaurants, cafes, cinema halls, libraries, parks, museums, and other places where there is public gathering on a large scale. It has been proved that the COVID 19 virus remains in cardboards, plastics, steels, and even copper for a long time. So it is best to avoid the places which have the gathering of large mass and may come in contact with people who have an infection from the disease.
Suppose you had to go to the doctor or did not get your medicine from an e-commerce store and have to venture out to find the groceries or the medicines or some essential services. When you come back, thoroughly wash and disinfect your bags and baggage by a sanitizer. Use the disinfectant wipes to make the belongings infection-free and keep your environment out of the infections. Social distancing is not complete isolation or quarantine, you may go outside, but when needed and with proper precaution.
You may think that the disease has not infected you, or your close relations, while it may have infected any or some of you. To stop the spread, it is always advisable to maintain social distancing and practice a bit of isolation. At the same time oversee that everyone at the family is maintaining the health routine and is strictly following the washing of hands and other such instructions.
A seven feet gap from everyone around would be good. Too much touching and showing affections to loved ones should be prevented. The more you keep the distance from others, the more you care for his or her protection. So to be affectionate now is to keep a safe distance from the near ones. Physical touch should be avoided as far as possible. This is especially to be followed if you have a kid at home. Stay away from kissing, cuddling, and touching too much.
Adults over 60 years of age or those with weaker immunity should be avoided from your contact. This is because, if you are in any way carrying the disease, which has not yet shown the symptoms in you, you may eventually infect them also. Adults have lower resistance to the disease and are prone to succumb to it.
You need to stop interacting physically with people, but that does not mean that you shall also create an emotional distance from them. You can use digital devices and the telephone to keep in touch and interact with them. Communication over the video can bridge the distance, which is created for physical gaps and help you communicate effectively.
The health care sectors have many types of patients, and probability is they have got people who have the symptoms or are affected by the disease. So if there is an ailment that can have home remedies or is not burning and wait at the moment, avoid going to the doctors for the time being. Till the situation is under control, and the spread of the disease is arrested.
You have to maintain a distance of seven-foot from others where you have to wait. Avoid hospitals and chambers which have little spaces. Enquire about the cleaning regimen of the chamber and the hospital from before and get an idea if it is clean enough. Avoid going to the toilets and drinking water from the glasses. Carry water on a bottle so that you can have it in the hospital when thirsty. Take care that your doctor maintains a distance from you while listening to your ailments. Practice social distancing in every form in the hospital.
In most of the countries, such services are shut down; even if it is not, avoid going there. It is better to look a little shabby to get infected by the disease.
This is a challenging thing. Keep children safe and socially distanced. Prevent your child from getting close contact with others and other children as well. Indulge them in some hobbies like art, craft, painting, etc. in which they will take fun. Talk to them about the need for social distancing if they are grown up enough to understand. Keep your children at home as far as possible, ask the schools to send their assignments on the internet at home, and avoid sending them to day-care. Safety is first and essential than all other things.
It is best now to prepare your food at home with some simple tips and get the nutritious cooking done at home, which will take care of your immunity. However, if you have to take the take-ways because of your absolute inability to cook, ask the person to drop it in a basket from a distance, and avoid physical contact. Instruct your food maker to wrap the food in a hot state with foil paper. Avoid having frozen foods and cold drinks because the virus attacks the tonsils, and if you already have a cold, you are prone to the disease more than others.
You may be a very rich person and have the provisions for fighting the disease to some extent. Still, those who may come in contact with you may be from the different strata of the society where the community is more prone to spread, or their immunity may not permit them to recover. So as a responsible citizen, think of others as well as for yourself and stop spreading the virus in all possible ways.
How to Check the Spread of COVID – 19
You may like to know how long one may keep himself quarantine if there is any possibility of carrying the disease. Normally the symptoms show wide signs of development after ten days of contamination. So the quarantine period is safest to be fourteen days from the contact to any possible contamination with the diseased person or the possible carrier.
If one gets the disease, it depends on his age, immunity system, etc. to recover from the disease. However, more than ninety percent of the affected people recover within a month of getting infected.
I hope you have got a complete guide on self-quarantine and isolation method. Stay Safe! Save yourself, save the world!